Thursday, October 30, 2008

8 Things

Chea tagged like 3 weeks ago and since I cant sleep, I will finally participate.

8 TV shows-
1. 24
2. Amazing Race
3. American Idol
4. Trauma Life in the ER
5. Ghost Whisper
6. Any ball game
7. Ya I cant even come up with 8. I don't watch all that much TV. Please my kids don't allow for that!

8 Things I did Yesterday
1. Cut my dad and Ricky's hair
2. visited with my grandma while picking up a big bowl of chicken soup she made me :)
3. Got my nails done
4. Did Jessica's hair
5. Frantically tried to finish buying clothes for the kids pics today.
6. Called Chea every 10 min because I am apparently not capable of making a decision.
7. Fed, bathed, played, flicked, laughed, prayed and swaddled my kids up all in my room for bed.
8. Read Extreme Measures, thanks to Chad surprising me and getting it for me!

8 Favorite things to Eat
1. Candy
2. Mexican Food
3. Bubble gum
4. Otter pops
5. Pumpkin Pie, thanks goodness it not always in season.
6. Soda
7. Chick-fil-a
8. beef jerky

8 Things I look Forward to
1. Chad getting back from Texas
2. Date Nights
3. My kids giving me loves
4. Softball
5. Finally laying down and being able to relax every night with my bedroom window open.
6. Moms home cooked meals
7. Spending time with family and friends
8. A clean house

8 Things I wish for
1. I wish i could get my 2 youngest kids to sleep in their own rooms
2. I wish my kids wouldn't argue with me or each other
3. I wish I could sleep at night
4. I wish I had more will power and less of a sweet tooth.
5. I wish I was more patient and positive. I tend to be a realist which at times can seem pessimistic
6. I wish I was a better cook and housekeeper
7. I wish Chad was here so I could go to sleep
8. Lastly I wish and hope that my kids will know how much I love them.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Pumpkin Party

The Lambs invited us over on Sun. to carve pumpkins. This was a first for Chad and I. Thanks to the always informative Larson's we learned how the pros carve the amazing designs onto the pumpkin. We had a blast as always and the kids loved every minute of it. We ended with some karaoke and laughs on the front porch. How blessed we are! Thanks for the good times and showing us one of the many things we have been missing out on. This picture is scary! Tate with a knife and grinning from ear to ear.
Ty was getting into the singing. She loves to think she is a big kid.
Jared bringing us all to that hysterical point of laughing! Troy Bolton has nothing on Jared.

Monday, October 27, 2008


This past weekend the Foxes came into town for a father and son baseball tournament. We were lucky enough to see a few of their games. My kids are always up for ball games as am I so we were excited. Dave used to come out a ton for base ball tournaments and I can remember enjoying his games when I was a kid as well. He was an excellent ball player and I have to say I was so impressed with his skills to date. Trevor and Adam also did really well. I miss the Foxes and wish that we got to see them more often. After his game on Fri. we all got together at Applebees and visited. I missed not having Desiree with them.
I didn't get to many good pics but the one standing is Dave. He played 1st base and did awesome. I think its been about 8 years ago that Dave had his stroke. He is such a fighter and is an amazing example to me. I have so many great memories that involve him. He is down right funny and good at everything he does. I guess I was thinking that it would be hard for him to hit the ball and well, do most of whats required. You have to react so quickly to make contact and he looked like a pro. Its pretty awesome to me that some one can go through all he has and continue to exceed at things. He truly amazes me and I am a better person for knowing their entire family!

That is Trevor out in center field. The pic I took of Adam was blurry. I don't think that I had seen Trevor for at least 7 years. He just got back from serving his mission and isn't the skinny little boy I remembered. I am sure before to long he will be making some girl very lucky. Heather was here for work so it worked out really well. Its always good to see her smiling face. She and Adam are expecting in June. She and Desiree will have a ton of fun having the babies that close together. Desi is due in April. They will be exactly how Trey and B are. I'm rambling on but it was great to see them and to see Dave playing ball like the good ole days.

The Great Outdoors

Happy Fall from Tylee!! She is to busy outside to get dressed and or get her hair combed. This is her idea of combing her hair! I had to laugh when she came outside with her nice sweat band.
I have not posted for such a long time and am now going to attempt to play catch up. This week we have finally started to enjoy the outdoors again. I feel like we have just been in between seasons and because of that we have gotten stir crazy. We haven't swam in months but it was still so warm out that the park was not quite enjoyable. Well thank heavens for the temp being in the eighties during the day and fifties at night. There is nothing better than the cool nights when the windows are open and the fresh air can be smelt throughout the house. Theres something about the smells of fall that get me in a happier mood. All I have to do is smell the pumpkin candle or the Christmas presence from GC and I am instantly feeling warmer already. If the kids had their way they would be outside from morning till night. I think I will be feeling that when we reach the 70's. So thank heaven literally for the amazing weather that we wait all year long for. Its here and the Cummards are surely enjoying!!

TTate finds great happiness in digging for worms and what not. He has spent many hours with his miniature shovel digging to " China." Ty and Ridge encouraged Brecken and Tate as they worked for a couple hours. With Tates determination , some day we may have a tunnel to China!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

We love PINE

We had the chance to go up to Pine last weekend with mom and dad and the Randalls. We had a relaxing time doing a whole lot of nothing and the kids loved every minute of it. The played and played till they were content. The weather was beautiful as were was the scenery. Tate thought this squirrel was pretty cool. Its neat how the animals are abundant and not shy up there. We stood up on the deck but about ten feet from this deer and she didn't seem to mind us to much.My beautiful B!
I told Ty to say cheese and this is what she gives me. Her teeth are clenched together and she is focusing really hard!

It really is heaven on earth up there. I can not think of a pretty surrounding than the cabin. Thanks to gma and gpa Hiatt for instilling in us the sacred nature of this place.

Avery and B wrestling.

Mom working hard on stockings. She has to get the new babies done before Christmas. She puts hours of TLC into each and everyone of our stockings.
Little Carson boy. So cute and I enjoyed getting some of my snuggling in with him.
She was obsessed with the AC and spent much time looking around trying to figure it out.

I am ready to go back. I cant wait for it to get even colder and we can enjoy the snow up there. Nothing is better than a fire when you really need it. None of this like 78 degrees and the fire places get fired up. Thanks for the good times family. Lucky Unders was not so lucky for us girls but the company could not be any better!!!