Saturday, September 12, 2009

Brooklyn For V.P.

B decided at the beginning of the year that she wanted to run for student council. I knew it would be a good experience for her but as a mom I was worried about it. Her little heart can be so tender so I felt best to explain that just because she was running for VP didn't mean she would win. There were 7 other kids running for it and I just wanted her to understand the possibilities. She was aware of how it all worked and still wanted to do it regardless of how the cookie crumbled. She told me on Sunday that Monday, the next day she was supposed to have 10 signs to hang up in the halls and stickers to pass out. We were at my parents for dinner and Summer helped me make stickers and then when we got home I was up until 4am making posters. We got them taped up at the school and prepared for her speech. We made a t-shirt that said vote Brooklyn 4 Vice Pres. She did such a great job on her speech and didn't even seem nervous. They actually video taped the speeches and then played them the next day. I'm sure that helped not having to do it live. Needless to say she won and is having a blast. There are extra responsibilities that come along with her position but she sails through all of it. Her grades are excellent and she manages to get it all in and still have time to be a kid. Good Job B we love you and are so proud of you. Keep up the good work!
Ty was so excited to go cheer for B as her speech was played in the cafeteria for all to see. She kept clapping and saying theres Brooklyn.I had to document this picture of B because she was so embarrassed that I was taking a picture of her. I didn't think that kids were to cool for their moms quite yet. Any how I thought it was funny and I know that she loves me regardless if she is to cool for me:)

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