Once again the Sat. before Christmas we were able to be a part of the Hiatt Family Party. I love being a part of this tradition that Gma Hiatt keeps alive. From as far back as I can remember we have had the same party, a visit from Santa, food and the same acting out the story of Christ birth. I love that my kids are blessed to be a part of this tradition. Don't you just love how as kids get older their parents really embarrass them? Well it started in our house and as you can see on Brooklyn's face she was not happy I was front and center taking pics. I keep telling her she will be happy when she is older that I have tons of pictures of her.Ty was an angel with Tori. Well she was supposed to be an angel but during the entire story was making faces and sticking her tongue out. I think the donkey part would have suited her better:) I love her to pieces but we all know that she is not an angel! Tate and his typical happy face. No tears this year for Ty but she defiantly wasn't to sure about Santa. She just wanted her gift.I think that B thinks she is to big to be siting on Santa's lap, I beg to differ :)
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