Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Our past month

So its been a month since I have updated last. That is not because we have had a lull in activity to report, its quite the contrary. Thus far our spring has been filled with strep throat, ear infections, coughs, colds and allergies. Chad had a respiratory infection he is still fighting off and Ive had a sinus infection. Amazing that we are all alive, I know whaaa whaaa I think most people have been effected by the elements of spring. I absolutely love the weather and being outdoors this time of year but with that comes allergies. There aren't many things that smell better to me than spring in full bloom. Ty not loving her ears hurting!
Brooks getting told she has strep throat!

We are all well for the most part and as the mom I could not be any happier about that!


Scott, Tiff, Talon, Tylie & Tyce said...

Sick kids are the worse, especially when you yourself feel like garbage! Hope you guys feel better!

Brea said...

I am so sorry that you have all been sick! that totally sucks! I am so grateful that I don't have allergies! Because I LOVE the spring!