Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Problem.... Solution

This is my biggest problem of late. Seriously can you see the 12in. at most that is left for me to slumber in. I can not keep this girl out of my bed. Chad loves to cuddle with her at night and so she thinks she has a "spot" in my bed. If I am to far in the middle of our bed, she has no problem telling me " hey that's my spot". Come on seriously, who does she think she is? She knows she has us wrapped around her little nubby finger nails:) I decided it was time to take action.

Here is the solution to our problem!! We took the crib out of her room finally and got her a BIG GIRL bed. And guess what, she slept in it with no problems. Now I'm not going to go as far as to say she never got up. She did but only because Tate was crying and woke everyone in the entire house up. She gladly walked right back in her room when asked and fell back to sleep. Now for paint and decor. All in due time right. I'm still waiting to get time without my children to go shopping for drapes for my living room. I am totally happy with the 10 year plan. If by year 10 I have everything done in my house that I have envisioned I will be feeling pretty good about myself. So I have 5 more years and that allows me to not stress out about this decorating crap that I am SO indecisive about. Bless Chads Heart!!!

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