C- Chatterbox to any and all young and old. Chad talks to everyone
H- Happy by choice. Your glass is always half full.
A- Athletic. Queen Creek Hall of Famer, just ask him
D- Dad of the year. The kids can not wait for him to get home and he is 100% theirs when he walks through the door.
C- Cares about everyone. If you were ever chads friend you still are.
U- Unfrugal. Chad does not know the meaning of frugal and usually needs my help to remind him of things that aren't necessary. I will have to say its kinda nice to not always be married to a tight wad either. We balance each other in this area for the most part.
M- Makes me feel loved, and never forgets to tell the kids and I that he does.
M- Makes time for whats important in life. Family, church, callings, friends, work, play. Chad does nothing half way!
A- Always makes sure to take me out on dates. Tonight I cant think of a better date. Carolina's and the Dbacks game!!
R- Righteous, respects others
D- Descriptive. If you have ever heard Chad tell a story you know what I mean. It runs in his family.
So sweet. Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary Laura
WOW 5 years Congrat!!! We love you both!!!
Cutest post! Happy day for you guys. Congrats on 5 fun years!
happy ani!
where were those pics taken?
Happy Anniversary!! That was such a sweet post. Chad is a lucky guy.
Congrats!! You two are such a cute couple. Ihope you had a wonderful anniversary!!
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