I love that these girls have so much fun being themselves. They are always rather silly and I pretty much need some advil when they are together but I love that about them. They are equally as tall as each other which is about a head taller than the others in their grade! Here is Tates latest hair do. B asked me if she could do it one day and this is what she came up with. He just sits there forever and lets her comb it a million different ways and cake the product on there.
Way to strike a pose Tori! It doesnt get any cuter. In every picture that day she has the same pose. Thanks gma you are the best. Its always crazy with all the kids but you take it in stride.
Tate decided after about the fourth frame he was done. He took his shoes off and sat out. I think sitting and having to be patient while waiting for the others to take their turn did him in! Plus he walks up there, sets the ball down and bends over and rolls it between his legs. Its hilarious to watch.After bowling we went to moms to go swimming. The jacuzzi was warm so mom got in their to watch. We are a bit wimpy when it comes to cold water. The kids had a blast regardless of the water being a nice 64*. It took them a minute and that was about it till they were being crazy and totally swimming like it was mid summer. As a mom I can hardly wait for these days to hurry up and get here. Its free entertainment for all of us. It doesnt get much better than waking up putting the suits on and spending all day out there with the cousins! B was trying to muster up the courage to get in. As soon as they did they did the best they could to do cannon balls and get gma with the freezing water. It was entertaining since I was not in there to be tortured!!! Chad and the kids slept on the tramp, well sort of! I dont know that Chad ever fell asleep but the kids made it till about 3 and they were freezing. They had all rolled to the middle and were about on top of each other. B is in there somewhere she is just buried. We will have to try again when the nights are a little warmer. They had fun and it was sure thoughtful of their dad to do that with them. Im sure it was alot better when we were kids! I used to think it was the greatest thing. Maybe because it was always with my brothers and sister. Next time we will make it a family affair!
you are a fun mom. My kids idea of fun is shopping.cause that is all they know! ha! cute pictures
I totally remember you and I doing that on Roma Lee's trampoline....and rolling to the middle.....and waking up freezing and going inside!
I have been begging big P to sleep on the tramp....the whole family. i too remember that being one of my absolute favorite things. i'm not sure how long we'd make it, with cows mooing in our ears every second. bug. looks like a fun and LONG spring break. we need to plan a day that we get our kids together....especially when summer starts, and we're trying to find things to do to entertain our kids out here in QC.
where's that bowling ally?
hilarious that you have b in softball...can't wait for my kids to actually WANT to do sports.
You are such a good lookin' family! We need to go out again!
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