Brooks had a field trip to the Mac Farm out in Maricopa on Thurs. She asked if I could come and help and so I said sign me up. We had to be at her school by 9 so we got an early start. We had to get all the kids where they needed to go. My kids went to Julies and Avery and Finley went to Stacis. It was a hectic morning but with the help of Chad we were not late. So I didnt know what this farm was about at all. Dont most farms have animals? Not this one, we looked at crops and tractors. It really was fun except for the hour long bus ride. This green tractor is from the 1940s which I was rather impressed with. I was so glad that it worked out to go this time. To often I cant do things with her like this because of the other 2 kids. Brooks packed my lunch for me and it was dang good. Thanks B for inviting me and wanting your mom there. Im glad she is not to cool to have her mom hang out with her. Since I know that you will be reading this soon know that I LOVE YOU!!!!!
It was fun to have the kids. I was glad I could help. Looks like you had so much fun! Regardless I am sure Brooks loved having her mom there. What great mother/daughter time.
i would have been needing benadryl in a major way. all that hay makes my eyes itch from here. yes we do live on a farm....but i stay far away from the hay. looks like you had fun though.
It was fun to have the kids. I was glad I could help. Looks like you had so much fun! Regardless I am sure Brooks loved having her mom there. What great mother/daughter time.
i would have been needing benadryl in a major way. all that hay makes my eyes itch from here. yes we do live on a farm....but i stay far away from the hay. looks like you had fun though.
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