Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Smiley Tylee

I had to post a pic of Ty where she is happy. She has been such a crab lately!! She is so clingy, and cant stand to have a babysitter lately. I know its an age thing but come on. It might not be so bad if she wouldnt make herself throw up when she is having her moments. Last night was the first night in many that she slept through the night. I feel like I have a new born again, but that runs a million miles an hour. Hey and who knows she may have woken up but after so many nights of next to no sleep, I may have not even heard her. Either way she is so much fun during the day and if her parents are home with her. I think she might be a bigger ham than Tate. She is learning from him, its kinda funny.
Thanks Julie for the cutest dress and boots. She loved having those boots on. It starts way to young. The shoe fetish is my fault I am sure but I cant resist. Regardless of how other things look, shoes always look good. I figured I would add Chad since the kids make the blog a lot more than he does. Everyone says that Tate, Ty and Chad all look so much alike and I think this picture is the first time I can see it with these two. Thanks for being a great dad. The kids light up when you get home. The second she can hear his truck coming down the rode she starts clapping and dancing. Its so nice to have a husband that helps with the kids and that they adore.


Julie Butler said...

I love the outfit and the boots! it was fun shopping for a girl. She sure is cute and definitely resembles tate and chad. I love her smile in the picture with you and brooklyn. Have a great day.

Shane Meredith Mason and Kendall said...

oh yeah, they look alike. you have never seen that??
Poor you, why isnt she sleeping? How do you do it??? But she is cute :)

Abby Runyan said...

She is darling! You have such a beautiful family. Seriously, I can't believe how old and how pretty broolyn is. I think the last time I saw her she was a baby. You look beautiful too, as always!