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I am just doing another post of the entire week at once. That seems to be about the quickest way to get it done, and quick seems to be working for me right now. I love to do hair, and I appreciate my clients and them tolerating my kids, but I does have its hard times. I will give you a little insight to why its hard but I don't have any pics. On tues I had about 10 min left with my client. Tate came in from outside covered in mud and shivering. I put him in my bath and figured he would be ok for that long. Before long I heard Ty making noise, and I thought she was in her bed asleep. He decided to get her up and put her in the bath as well. As I was walking down the hall I could smell chocolate cake or something. As I went in my bathroom Tate was stirring with my broom in the tub. He opened 3 boxes of devils food cake mix and dumped them in the bath. Ty thought it was great, she was licking it up as fast as she could. My 1st instinct was to be mad and then you just start to wonder how in the world does he come up with this. It was a big mess but he just wanted to make a cake so you cant be to mad!!! Brooklyn had a book report due on Friday and you would have thought that I was back in 2nd grade again. Ya its maybe a pride issue but I have to make sure that her report is top notch. Needless to say I spent countless hours working on the thing. I would end up working most the day and then get to my school work at night. Lets hope she gets a good grade. I am elated that its turned in and my nights wont be devoted to 2nd grade. On Wed night Chad and I went to a Christmas party in Tuscon for the manufactured homes of Az. Ya need I say more but we had a great time and won many gifts. We won a bottle of wine, go figure the only Mormons in the room would win that. Also we got a gift card to Target and a cute Santa figurine that I left on the table. We also won this nice rock thing I dont even know what it is but it makes me laugh when I see it. I loved the Santa but was carrying an ipod docking station as well and didnt have enough hands. Owell we had fun and enjoyed laughing about all the drunk people. You do what you have to do to make money right.
Now you see why its funny? I think most of the people there thought this was a prize to be won. Thanks Kristine and Ky for watching my kids again. I wont bore you with the rest of my week. Seriously its just busy, I think mostly because I have 2 little kids that are amazing with what they come up with, why I am trying to work. I have to say that I will be glad when Christmas is through and things slow down. I know everyone feels the same way so good luck staying sane. Oh and thanks Mom and Michelle for helping me out with Tate on Thurs night. I love you both and appreciate your selflessness!!
I think Tate needed some Devil's cake cookies. He was almost there...if he had just added the peanut butter chips. When I hear these stories I sort of think maybe I don't want any boys!!! Just joking, but seriously, where do kids get these ideas and how in the HECK did he get the cake boxes and the plastic inside open????
Oh those've got to love them! They just want to have fun and there is nothing like baking a good cake!
You are a better mom than me cause I would have not laughed - I would have hurt them (not really but I would have been MAD!) Silly kids - never a dull moment!
Devils food cake in the bathtub! That's a winner!! Crazy clever! Melinda
OK wait...I have one of those rock things. I didn't get a fancy stand with it though. Mine might be smaller too. I think Parker's Mom gave them to us one FHE. I don't quite know what it is though. Sad. When you find out let me know-maybe it's worth something! OH and you always have the funniest stories about Tate, I can't believe the things he comes up with-poor you!
Ahh ha ha gotta love the rock plate or whatever the "H" that thing is. Tate no joke cracks me up I get the biggest kick outta the the things that kid does! Oh my hair looks wonderous and thanks for puttin up with Talby's potty mouth. Ahhh haha! Have a great Christmas!
I am in LOVE with your Christmas card. You look beautiful! I love that story with the cake mix. I would have died! And I'll have to agree with did he get those darn plastic bags open?
I LOVE the cake mix story. You should have taken a picture! So funny!
Hey Laura! It's Rhonda Rasmussen. I was link hopping and found your blog (off Jacqui's)! I have to say, I miss seeing you at Bunco. It's been a very long time!
By-the-way, that is the funniest story I heard in a while! Mmmm... chocolate cake bath. Yummy! I'm glad that you could appreciate the creativity. I would have definitely taken some pictures! I'm all about the Kodak moments!
Oh, and the rock thing is a geode.
Your kids are so adorable & getting big!
I hope you and your family have a great Holiday Season and very Merry Christmas!
Stop by my blog sometime!
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