Wednesday, September 26, 2007

First Day of School

Ya I know I am totally making up for lost time but hey, at least I'm working on it. Brooks is in second grade this year. Her teacher is Mrs. Lowery, and B loves her. She is an excellent student. She is so good about doing her homework and she loves to read. She just got voted student of the month for all of second grade. Good job brooks you are awesome. I love you a ton and I appreciate all your hard work. And no I wont put the sticker on my bumper that says "my child was student of the month at Jack Barnes" sorry Brooks. Tate started preschool at Kellis studio. His teachers name is Mrs. April. She tells me that he sits and behaves. That he listens and is perfect in class. WOW at least he can focus for someone. He is not always sure about wanting to go, but always has fun once he gets there. He has actually learned quite a bit in a short time. Hes gotten good with his colors and can count to 10. I have tried to sit down with him and read books and teach him and he always has something more fun to do. So good job Mrs April you are doing something right. Keep up the hard work kids. I love you both a ton.


Summer said...

Cute kids! You have such good kids. Ashley asks to play with them daily. You'd think we'd come over since we live so close - and instead I sit here and silly!

the cummard family said...

Ty and him are TWINS! Their chubby little cheeks; I love it! Good job B!